Monday 26 April 2010

My (fantastic) school day!

so today = girl getting punched up the nose for giving someone a dirty look, nose ends up broken...

thats my school highlight! yeh.. we where walking (we as in me and my friends) when suddenly we where told we coulnt walk down the corridor so we had to walk a whole different way to get to maths. then when we're walking we discover lots of (a lot) of blood.. rosie stood on a peice and slipped... silly rosie... then later in our maths class we found out what happened. a girl gave another girl... (hmm, we'll call one bob and one jimmy, mens nanes XD) well bob punched jimmy because jimmy gave bob a dirty look.. bob broke jimmys nose.. jimmy left school and went home.. silly bob... jimmy should put in a claim and get MONEY £.£ well thats the story.. pretty pathetic huh? and they where probably 15-16 years old.. creeps..

i also did an english test today... it was about Anna. and Anna happened to have to save her family from a dragon that ate them, do you think i'll get an A?

i gave my hamster on my DS game Hamsterz 2 an overdose of pill's, what...? well it wasnt my fault! the silly shop keeper dude told me to give her lots of pills and let her rest for a day... now shes running back and fourth from her bed every 5 seconds getting a drink ^U^

i have a trip to do Salters test for science on the 18th of may, its where you go to a university and do little investigations and you win prizes! no.. im not a nerd *pushes up glasses* (yes.. i do where glasses) i just happen to be (strangly?) smart...

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