Friday 30 April 2010

rain,rain go away=.='

today was wonderful! i was walking home from school in this scorching heat! i was sweating like crazy and i couldnt wait to go out... as i was waiting for my dad to make dinner, i look out the window and smile... the weathers kept up! then all of a sudden! BAM! rain comes, but just a little.. i hear a few startled screams from people who're most likely wearing shorts and dresses. i laugh... then the rain got heavier.. mabye a little more? then no im looking out the window.. what do i see? puddles are gathering already and the blue sky turned gray.. the rain was bashing down from the sky.. mabye i'll wear a jumper, warm bottoms, two pairs of socks, warm shoes and most likely a very warm coat? then i'd be able to go out... this is right at the moment i wish i was on holidays...

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