Friday 30 April 2010

rain,rain go away=.='

today was wonderful! i was walking home from school in this scorching heat! i was sweating like crazy and i couldnt wait to go out... as i was waiting for my dad to make dinner, i look out the window and smile... the weathers kept up! then all of a sudden! BAM! rain comes, but just a little.. i hear a few startled screams from people who're most likely wearing shorts and dresses. i laugh... then the rain got heavier.. mabye a little more? then no im looking out the window.. what do i see? puddles are gathering already and the blue sky turned gray.. the rain was bashing down from the sky.. mabye i'll wear a jumper, warm bottoms, two pairs of socks, warm shoes and most likely a very warm coat? then i'd be able to go out... this is right at the moment i wish i was on holidays...

Thursday 29 April 2010

Tinier me

i have a tip to quickly earn chibi coins on tinier me!

all you need to do is play the doki doki IQ high school as many times as you can, gaining levels of difficulty each time.. each time you do that your earning more and more chibi coins (the game i play thats very effictive is Comet high on "judgement") this is not against the tinier me rules. for it is a game ON tinier me that tinier me created. it just a quick way i found out to make chibi coins in a day! i made up to 270 after playing it for half an hour (with breaks of course!) so why dont you try it out? also, if you dont already have tinier me try it out at :

Tuesday 27 April 2010

my dogs longest walk

i just walked from my home to my mums work (thats a LONG way away) to pick her up. i was also with my dad and my dog.. this was the longest and most tiring walk he probably ever had. as he's thirteen in our years, so i suppose he's pretty old in dog years XD it was quite a refreshing walk though, its been a long time since i've went for a walk anywhere with my mum and dad. we talked about random stuff, that including her fish cakes going mushy in the microwave... (seriously) i was in my school uniform.. i felt very trampy but i didnt know i was going to pick her up so i have a reason... she was also with a person she works with. she was saying "aww! he's such a cute dog!" and saying "aaw,what age is she?" , "what years she in now?" do i look like im six or something?! plus im also about the same height as my mum, considering that.. i dont think i look six? i still have'nt packed my school bag and did my homework..i guess i'll get to doing it now..


a parent interveiw will be coming to school this Thursday.. how how i wish my teachers say good stuff about me XD well its kind of weird and confusing because my class is spilt in two. my side (8*2) will be with (8*S) while my other half (8*1) is on their own. i assume that its because our classes are to big XD anyway, my dad will be going to my interveiw and i hope my english teacher acts goody too-shoes when shes actually very evil, then i can laugh in her face MWAHAHAH! well later im going round to see rachael! shes ill :'( then i need to use her pencils to do my homework XD

my game wolfQuest is STILL not working :'( i have kept trying at it, i hope it works =D i also cant wait until tomorrow! i will be doing P.E! i have took a liking to it =D i think thats mainly because we are doing athletics! and i love the 100 meters! i would also like to try other things, and give hurdles a try XD i'm doing Poetry in english.. no offense but i think its extremely boring.. i mean the only way you would need it is if you wanted to make poems for a living.. let me tell you this, i dont want to.

Taurus server on Wonderland Online has become very quiet (T3) i have three main characters! one on taurus (level 40), one on capricorn (level 35) and one on leo (level 16) i sound like a noob but i have been playing for far more than one year =D since the version called something like "Dark Spell"

as it turns out, im not going to rachaels... weather= rain.. plus morgan isnt going down either.. i need to pack my bag for school so, i'll be going now!


Monday 26 April 2010


the 2nd awesome person one earth (hitsugaya at 1st place of course!)



you should know who this is if you watch bleach! ^U^

shupp dude! and no.. i dont know who this is :/

who where they supposed to be suprising? i love this picture ^U^

1 word = KAWAII! ^u^

I dont know why but i really think this pictures pretty?

i <3>

My (fantastic) school day!

so today = girl getting punched up the nose for giving someone a dirty look, nose ends up broken...

thats my school highlight! yeh.. we where walking (we as in me and my friends) when suddenly we where told we coulnt walk down the corridor so we had to walk a whole different way to get to maths. then when we're walking we discover lots of (a lot) of blood.. rosie stood on a peice and slipped... silly rosie... then later in our maths class we found out what happened. a girl gave another girl... (hmm, we'll call one bob and one jimmy, mens nanes XD) well bob punched jimmy because jimmy gave bob a dirty look.. bob broke jimmys nose.. jimmy left school and went home.. silly bob... jimmy should put in a claim and get MONEY £.£ well thats the story.. pretty pathetic huh? and they where probably 15-16 years old.. creeps..

i also did an english test today... it was about Anna. and Anna happened to have to save her family from a dragon that ate them, do you think i'll get an A?

i gave my hamster on my DS game Hamsterz 2 an overdose of pill's, what...? well it wasnt my fault! the silly shop keeper dude told me to give her lots of pills and let her rest for a day... now shes running back and fourth from her bed every 5 seconds getting a drink ^U^

i have a trip to do Salters test for science on the 18th of may, its where you go to a university and do little investigations and you win prizes! no.. im not a nerd *pushes up glasses* (yes.. i do where glasses) i just happen to be (strangly?) smart...


Argg! i've been trying to load this game since yesterday! (dont mind desktop background ^U^) and i click play!


this happens! the game just happens to freeze right there! my friend said that if i kept clicking on it every day it should unfreeze =.=' i have downloaded it and uninstalled it more than 3 times XD i dont think i have the patience to wait long enough XD

Sunday 25 April 2010


when you INVITE a friend to play a game, do they actually expect you to tell them every single thing that you have to do in the game? howrse is fairly simple and you should know if you play it! i've played it for more than a year but my first account i deleted, but that doesnt mean that i have to help her ALL the time on EVERY SINGLE THING! im pissed off. i mean you can find your way fine in the game =.=' is it that hard to click >>breed<< on a horses page? well aparently for someone its the hardest task on the entire earth!

i sound evil :/

About me

name: Danielle *******

Age : 13-16 (not telling! thats the best you'll get! ^U^)

Lives in: now why would you need to know that? hmm.. clues? United Kingdom

favourite colour: Purple, Red

Pets: dog, benji! scruffy old dude^U^

hair : brown/blonde? a mixtures always good! ^U^ and no, i havnt EVER died it ^U^

eyes: hazel =D

skin : milk bottle.. that summs it up right?

Favourite things: reading, laptop, anime, Bleach anime, Hitsugaya Toushiro (KAWAII! ^u^), friends,horses,,,Wonderland online,wolves (^U^) rock music, Morgan (best freind ever) Rachael (anime nut and another best friend ^U^) , Amy P (the random friend), Rosie (the one who gets words mixed up eg, "i'll hit her over the head with the piffin book the buffalo!" actually meaning, " i'll hit her over the head with the PUFFIN book THE GRUFFALO xD), Amy N (little quiet person, but very nice indeed?) , Rhiannon (Crazy maniack!) love them alls! movies!

Favourite food?: Stir Fry, Pasta Bake, Sausages, Rice, Chinese...

dream home: i would love to live by the country side with a labrador and my feilds for a horse and be living in a cute little cottage ^U^ happy mental images =D

favourite subjets: i like.... science, history, geography, art..

worst subjects : maths, english(i dont particularly hate the subject but i hate :@ the teacher!)

so there you have it! you know a little about me now!


i love anime! i have watched a fair amount including Bleach, Soul eater, Harhui Suzumiya etc, comment if you have any recomendations 'kay?

oh and i might not post long posts but i will now and then ^U^


RIP uncle

today is the aniversary of my uncle. he has been dead a year now. he's been sadly missed! Rest In Peace.